The Complete Security Solution Provider

Security Gates & Fencing

Successful perimeter security means protecting all entry and exit points against unauthorised vehicular or pedestrian access, regardless of how extensive a particular area might be.

SSG will survey your site, free of charge and recommend the most suitable option(s) with detailed proposals and costings.


Key Points

  • Cantilever, hinged or sliding options

  • Heavy grade, galvanised steel

  • Multiple control options

  • Fully automated functionality

  • Bespoke designs and colours

Furthermore, if you have a pre-existing gated/access point that needs to be electronically controlled or automated we can also assist.

Our robust manufacturing procedures mean you can be confident about the performance and reliability of our products, we also offer an excellent warranty.

Security Surveillance Systems Ltd

Talk with our experts

+44(0)1695 420968


Get In Touch


Security Surveillance Systems Ltd
Boundary Farm Complex
Grave Yard Lane
Lancashire, UK
L39 9EG